Roundtable Discussion About Our School




Koichi Miyake

Chief Operating Officer

Yohko Seto

Two founding members of SACHI sat down for a discussion. SACHI is not just a place to study Japanese; it operates with the vision of empowering international students to thrive in Japan after graduation. How does SACHI differ from other Japanese language schools? Why was this unprecedented approach to a language school created? They shared their honest thoughts.


What inspired the establishment of SACHI?

We wanted to create an environment where talented international individuals can fully demonstrate their abilities in Japan.

The inspiration came from aligning our vision with that of Mr. Miyake, the chairperson.
I run a human resource service business specializing in the Philippines. During my work, I heard from a government official in the Philippines that "Japan is not very skilled at utilizing talented foreign professionals." In many countries, it’s common for Filipinos to hold managerial positions outside their home country. I thought, if we could make that possible in Japan, it would be amazing, which led to the establishment of SACHI.

That's right.
My main business is actually in real estate, so it’s not directly related to international matters. However, I have a long history of involvement in international support through the Junior Chamber (JC). Through this experience, I became very concerned about the lack of opportunities for international students to thrive in Japan. That concern became a driving force as I discussed and refined SACHI's vision with Mr. Seto.

The most challenging part of starting SACHI was securing teachers. We prioritized the philosophy of "helping talented foreign individuals excel in ways that match their abilities." This mindset meant that, regardless of teaching methods or backgrounds, all teachers needed to share the same commitment. It was challenging to find such teachers because this type of school had never existed before.

That’s why meeting Professor Miyatani was such a turning point. Until then, I think SACHI was more of an unrealistic plan.

Exactly. Professor Miyatani’s research theme aligned perfectly with our vision, and we felt strongly that we had to ask for their involvement.

I’ve always felt uneasy about Japan’s approach of "bringing in foreigners only when there’s a labor shortage" or "preferring to hire Japanese nationals when available." That mindset is a waste. If someone is talented and communicates effectively, they should be considered for important positions, regardless of their nationality.

Rather than selecting talent based on nationality, I hope companies can adopt a more neutral perspective, evaluating candidates on whether they are a good fit for the organization. Of course, there are systemic challenges in Japan, but I hope society gradually evolves in this direction.

We are in an era of diversification. Even if employers are predominantly Japanese, there’s a growing chance that customers will be international. Proactively hiring international students can serve as an entry point for embracing multiculturalism. By incorporating new perspectives, companies may even achieve innovations. We aim to develop in collaboration with corporations.

When I was in high school, I heard the phrase, "Education is the most important factor for the development of people and nations." This has become my motto, and I hope SACHI can bring it to life.


What kind of school is SACHI?

A place where international students can excel in Japanese companies, and learn practical Japanese skills.

The difference from other schools is that our curriculum is primarily designed with employment as the main goal. We envision students who want to work as professionals immediately after graduation.

Even for those wishing to pursue higher education, we provide support tailored to their career needs. For example, "I’m going to vocational school or university because it’s necessary for this job."

The content of our classes significantly changes depending on whether the goal after graduation is employment or further education.
Japanese language schools that aim for university entrance typically focus on classes designed to achieve high scores in entrance exams. At SACHI, our goal is employment, so we focus on teaching not for high test scores, but for smooth communication with Japanese people and acquiring the skills needed to excel in Japanese society.

Because of this, much of the on-campus support is focused on employment. We have professional career consultants available, so students can seek guidance about their career paths at any time.

Another unique feature is that one entire floor is dedicated to the school, providing a large communal space for interaction. This is something rare in other Japanese language schools.

Another key point is the selection criteria for our Japanese language instructors. While having an impressive background is wonderful, we place greater importance on whether they share our vision. Are they truly committed to supporting international students? Can they guide students while respecting their genuine aspirations?

SACHI, in terms of its people, systems, and facilities, is a Japanese language school with the goal of enabling international students to fully excel in society after graduation.


What can you learn at SACHI?

Developing into individuals who can take on key roles that are essential to many people.

In addition to practical Japanese, we focus on communication skills as professionals and business etiquette. While there is much to learn after starting a job, building a strong foundation at school is crucial.

Globally, Japanese workplaces are said to offer many growth opportunities, as they have a culture of learning while working.

For instance, during downtime, employees in other countries might engage in casual chats. In Japan, however, they often look for other tasks to help with. It’s not that chatting is bad; rather, it reflects a mindset of considering how to make others more comfortable. Over time, being trained in such behavior in the workplace makes it second nature, even in daily life.

It’s about learning attitudes and perspectives, such as manners and habits. Not just memorizing knowledge, but learning to become a person who can grow and adapt.

That’s right. It might sound grandiose to say we cultivate humanity, but we aim to develop individuals capable of management. For this, we include tasks focused on communication, such as presentations and discussions. We want to nurture a mindset where individuals can aim higher, regardless of their profession.

We paid particular attention to creating a discussion space for communication. If SACHI were run purely for profit, turning all areas into classrooms would be more efficient. But that’s not what SACHI is about. Since it’s more than just a place to learn Japanese, we focused on providing an environment where students can take on various challenges.

We’d like to actively use the discussion space for interactions with companies. It can create opportunities for students to learn what companies are looking for in candidates, and for companies to understand what international students think and are capable of doing. We hope to support companies that perceive hiring foreign talent as a challenge.

We also want to engage in community interaction.
When working in Nagoya, connecting with local residents is very important. It’s not just about learning the language but also practicing various activities to ensure students can live comfortably after graduation.


What career paths can students choose after graduating from SACHI?

No limitations on career paths.
As long as students are determined, the possibilities are endless.

There are no restrictions on career choices. While we aim to support individuals from various countries in the future, at this stage, I specialize in supporting people from Uzbekistan, and Seto-san is strong in supporting individuals from the Philippines. We want to continue focusing on these groups while expanding our reach over time.

As long as they are truly determined to excel in Japan, we will provide full support regardless of the career path they choose. Since I work in foreigner support, I’d love to actively hire our graduates myself! (laughs)

When it comes to career options for international students, many might think of factory jobs or repetitive tasks in manufacturing.

However, at SACHI, the possibilities go far beyond that. While factory jobs are certainly an option, we also offer robust support systems to help students pursue careers as engineers, language teachers, or even achieve managerial positions in various companies.


Lastly, do you have a message for us?

For both students and teachers alike,
let SACHI be the place where you “achieve what you truly want.”

The name "SACHI" holds two meanings: "Search," symbolizing a place where international students can discover their own shining path, and "幸 (Happiness)," representing the aspiration for both students and staff to find joy through Japanese language education."
SACHI is a gathering place for people with diverse personalities who strive toward their envisioned futures. Since we are brought together by fate, I hope everyone can learn from each other's strengths and aim for better growth together.
I would be delighted if international students cherish the connections they form, experience the joy of working together toward shared goals, and learn as much as they can along the way.

In the future, there will likely be a shortage of Japanese language teachers. Therefore, we actively hire not only experienced and accomplished teachers but also younger ones.
As long as we share the same vision, students, teachers, and SACHI can grow and evolve together. This ensures that international students have "a place where they can work hard toward their true goals" for years to come.
In this era that values diversity, Japanese language education is also undergoing a transformation. We will wholeheartedly support the aspirations of our international students, so please feel confident in joining SACHI.